Monday, 29 August 2011

Breathe easy with Oil of Oregano

Bronchitis is an inflammatory condition that affects the alveoli and air passages of lungs. One of the most prominent initial symptoms of bronchitis is grotty cough which is often followed by a scratchy feeling in the lungs every time the patient tries to take deep breath. While there are many antibiotics suggested as a treatment for bronchitis over the years. However, the range to which the effect of these synthetically prepared antibiotics expands is limited and therefore there are many viral variants that get missed from the grasp of these antibiotics. It’s an amazing discovery to find many natural alternatives doing better then the antibiotics in the cases of acute and chronic bronchitis. Oil of oregano is a product that speeds up the process of recovering from the condition of bronchitis. The extracts of this oil are used in the form of tea when it’s used for relieving the suffocating symptoms of bronchitis. It’s believed that the vapours of wild oregano oil can decongest the air passages of lungs. Significant relief in the conditions of acute or chronic bronchitis can be expected within a time of few days of the use of oil of oregano. Wild oregano oil enhances the immune status of the body by acting as a potent anti-oxidant. In addition to helping oil of oregano in fighting the viruses that attack the alveoli of lungs, wild oregano oil soothes the irritating tissue that lines the respiratory tract. Oil of oregano increases the ability of all the organs of the body in fighting off the infections. The antiviral attribute of wild oregano oil is duly enhanced by extra virgin olive oil and carvacrol. Oil of oregano is equally competent against wheezing problem too. In contrast to the regular anti-inflammatory medications, oil of oregano substantially reduces the pain related with acute and chronic bronchitis condition without inducing side effects like gastritis and acidity. Nevertheless, it is always recommendable to use wild oregano oil after receiving a prescription from a physician. Some patients can be sensitive to herbs and it’s for this reason that the physicians would perform a sensitivity test before advising an herbal solution for any ailment. Nonetheless, oil of oregano is a product that bears very less chances of inducing allergic or undesirable reactions in human being. Oil of oregano also reduces the chances of recurrence of bronchitis symptoms in future or at least reduces the intensity of the bronchitis symptoms to a major extent in the adverse environmental conditions. The cost-effectiveness of this herbal product encourages patients to follow its use for a long term. For instance, a bottle of 10ml of wild oregano oil would cost you around £10.95 when purchased through an online store. Be it for intrinsic or external use for which this oil might have been recommended, it is important to use wild oregano oil in its diluted form as it is a strong oil. To conclude, oil of oregano can be potent, prophylactic tool against chronic or acute bronchitis when used on a regular basis.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

How to rate the authenticity of Oregano oil p73?

From time immemorial, Oil of oregano has one of the most powerful anti-bacterial formulations among the herbal remedies. Even before the commercial introduction of this product in the market, oregano oil was used by the traditional tribes and ethnic groups. It’s the leaves of this herb that are used for medicinal purposes like reliving the symptoms of reparatory distresses, digestive problems, and urinary infections. With more and more people admitting oregano oil p73 as a potent herbal formulation, the sales of this herbal preparation have witnessed a striking raise within a very short period of time. Many manufacturers mix wild oregano oil with virgin oil for adding an extra edge to the medicinal quotient of this powerful, herbal oil. Oregano oil p73 was named after the presence of 73% polyphenols in its composition. The authenticity of oregano oil p73 is tested by reliable manufacturers in their labs by bringing it in contact with the wide variety of gram negative as well as gram positive bacteria. The medicinal quotient of oregano herb does get affected by the manner of its cultivation too. For instance, chemicals or fertilizers used at the time of growing this herb in the fields might affect its potency. Oregano oil P73 has been one of the most extensively researched and marketed products for almost a decade. Oregano oil can be used unhesitatingly against numerous infections that might have initiated the body by a harmful virus or fungi, or parasite. Many skin infections that are caused by some sort of fungus can be relieved with the regular use of oregano oil P73. Most of the infectious conditions call for extended use of antibiotics and other drugs. Long term therapies can give way to immense side effects especially when it’s the antibiotics that are supposed to be used for an extended period of time. The natural immune status of the body goes for a major toss. This change in the status of immunity can be felt after the antibiotics are withdrawn. Patients start falling ill more often. This major side effect can be ruled out with the use of oregano oil p73 as this product doesn’t act by killing bacteria but by simply flushing them out with the help of the adherence potential of its molecules. The action of wild oregano oil has been rated more much superior than that of penicillin and streptomycin. In fact it was found to be potent against the bacteria that didn’t respond to the antibiotic action of the aforementioned drugs. Oregano oil P73 can be useful tool for the immunocompromised patients too who wish to give a boost to their immune system. All that the patients have to do is to take 2-4 drops of this oil in a diluted form every day. A remarkable difference in the immune status can be noted within a few weeks time. Needless to say, the authenticity of the oregano oil prepared by the manufacturer does have effect on the medicative quotient of this preparation.