Monday, 19 November 2012

Oregano oil carvacrol – Study and observation

Oregano is a persistent herb which natively belongs to Asia, Europe and in particular to Mediterranean. It belongs to mint family and closely relative to marjoram. Primary and active medical ingredient of oregano is carvacrol which contains highest oil concentration of oregano plant found in Mediterranean region.  From ancient period of time oregano oil is in usage. Wikipedia has reported that Hippocrates will make use of oregano as antiseptic, respiratory ailments and to treat stomach problems.

Consuming oregano oil on regular basis will boost our immune system. Oregano oil carvacrol is useful to treat cold, flu and sinus problems. Lots of scientific studies have published about the investigated information of oregano oil carvacrol. In most of the studies report, research is done on cell lines and animals. Only few of the study have done the research directly on human. Let us discuss the research study information of oregano oil carvacrol.

Study of oregano oil and observation: Initial study of oregano oil carvacrol found that the oil consumed orally for six weeks of duration was effective against enteric parasite infections on humans. In this study, fourteen participants are volunteered to take the test who affected by enteric parasites such as Blastocystis himins, Endolimax nana and Entamoeba hartmanni. Author of the study reported that complete disappearance is observed on four people infected by Entamoeba hartmanni, eight people infected by Blastocystis hominis and in one person infected by Endolimax nana.  

In another non-human study, other efficiency of oregano oil carvacrol is found, which is used to destroy microorganisms. Author of the study tested the quality of several essential oils and observed the effectiveness of the each oil against wide range of bacteria, yeasts and mold. In this study, it has been found that tested compounds of thymol, cinnamaldehyde and carvacrol are possessed with anti-microbial quality. A study is conducted on mice to check the oregano oil carvacrol efficiency to fight against yeast. Eighty percentages of the yeast infected mice are survived.

In another study, the investigation is done on the effectiveness of oregano oil carvacrol against upper respiratory tract infections. Effect of nasal spray which contains several essential oil (including oregano oil) is tested on humans who got infected by upper respiratory tract infections such as sore throat and congested lung infection combined with cold. It has been found that symptoms are improved among the infected people who have taken nasal spray of essential oil. Study conducted on nursing pigs to determine the efficiency of immune system during consumption of oregano oil.

Oregano oil has increased the white blood cells present in pig’s milk and therein it is strongly proposed by the study that oregano oil is useful to boost immune system. Other study is conducted against human patients of hyperlipidemic. Hyperlipidemic is the condition in which people have elevated level of fat on their blood.
On regular oregano oil consumption, the patients had improvement in lipid profiles including good and bad cholesterol. Based on the several study the identified properties of oregano oil includes, anti-tumor, analgesic, insecticidal, antigenotoxic, anti-microbial, antispasmodic, antiplatelet, antielastase, hepaprotective and anti-parasitic. 

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